Conoisseur's notice : details on annotations
An aged or soiled label, a slightly damaged cap or a low level on old vintages: All these small defects do not challenge the quality of the wine. As a connoisseur, you will be able to access the best wines at very attractive prices

Bottles from Bordeaux :
BN : Base of Neck (BGBas Goulot) :
Perfectly correct for any age of wine. Outstandingly good for wines of more than 10 years.
TS : Top Shoulder (THETrès Haut Epaule)
Normal for any claret 15 years old or older
US : Upper Shoulder (HEHaut Epaule)
Slight natural reduction through the easing of the cork and problem. Acceptable for any wine over 20 years old. Exceptional for pre-1950 wines
MS : Mid Shoulder (MEMi Epaule)
Probably some weakening of the cork and some risk. Not abnormal for wines 30/40 years of age
LS : Low Shoulder (BEBas Epaule)
Very risky for wine quality
BLS : Below Low Shoulder (VIDVidange)
Wine usually undrinkable. Collection item in case of rare and exceptional label.
Labels Statement :
ELA: Étiquettes Légèrement Abîmées:
Some defects can match this annotation:
- very light scratch;
- dirt ;
- black marks;
- light colors.
EA: Label Damaged
Some defects can match this annotation:
- scratches more pronounced, the year and the name of the castle remains quite readable;
- various soils or stains ;
- délavement of colors
ETA: Label Very Damaged
Some defects can match this annotation:
- important tears;
- many snags ;
- dirt and / or various spots;
- délavement pronounced.
State of the capsule
Some defects can match this annotation:
- snags on the capsule;
- oxidation of the capsule;